O melhor lado da Phantom Abyss Game

It's time for Phantom Abyss to transition out of Early Access and into 1.0 later this month, on January 25. The past couple of years have been a great experience for us, and we are very grateful for all the love and support you have shown us during EA. We couldn't have reached this point without your invaluable feedback.

In a pinch, it can help you if you would otherwise have been just a split-second too late for your whip to connect, and it can literally pull you out of a sticky situation faster.

traversal. Clicking and holding your mouse button will let the whip grab onto nearby surfaces and pull you upward. Place it correctly and time it right, and you can use the whip to move between platforms or scale tall shafts very quickly.

Phantom Abyss is an adventure game with a heavy emphasis on movement mechanics, semi-cooperative gameplay, and a great deal of trial and error. Conquer traps, collect whips, and escape an esoteric prison in this “Indi” adventure game published by the masters of originality, Devolver Digital.

Developer Team WIBY and publisher Devolver Digital have created some real challenges as you duck, dodge, and slide your way through. Is it enough to keep players engaged and having fun?


Clearly Devolver Digital hopes to Phantom Abyss replicate the success of Fall Guys, which continues to go from strength to strength. The launch of Season 4 nearly quadrupled the game’s player count, and it’s now got a range of toys and plushies for die-hard fans.

Jon Bitner As fun as the latest in the franchise is, there are plenty of other cooperative shooters worthy of your time.

While never impenetrable, the frame rate suffers noticeably, and sometimes proves the difference between thrilling success and devastating failure, given the game’s emphasis on quick reactions. 

This randomised floating mongrel teleports from room to room, shooting lasers or dropping bombs that slow the player down. The problem with this harassment enemy is that because you’re the only ‘real’ player in your run, it only seems to want to shoot at you rather than the many ghost players pinwheeling about you.

To avoid going into the hub and having to restart the whole game you should not pick up the relic unless you have set a new personal best and instead quit to main menu.

Banishing Whip serves a similar function to Calm, but can be used in more situational circumstances. With this blessing, striking a Guardian with your whip will prevent them from spawning for thirty seconds. Use this time wisely!

The action-adventure parkour game has been in Early Access for over two years, with the developers slowly polishing up rough edges and adding new features in correspondence with community feedback.

brings an evolved real-time strategy game to the next level with a host of free new content and features including brand-new civilizations – the Ottomans and Malians, new maps, additional in-game updates and much more.

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